RGS Guildford courtyard with students

Christmas Events & Activities

Boys across all year groups have enjoyed taking part in a variety of Christmas activities and events over the past couple of weeks.

Pre-Prep put on a fantastic Nativity performance across 5 days! The boys sang and spoke beautifully and with such confidence to an audience filled with proud guardians, grandparents and staff. It was clear that the audience particularly enjoyed the boys rendition of ‘Baa baa boogie” – with humorous dance moves and great sheep costumes. Well done to all who were involved, we could all see how much work was put into it.

Shell had a visit from Reverend Cotton who taught the boys how to make Christingles and the symbolic meaning behind them.

Year 1 listened attentively to Mr and Mrs Willmer who told the boys the story of the birth of Jesus at Christ Church. The boys then enjoyed drawing Nativity scenes.

All RGS boys used their vouchers to ‘purchase’ 5 gifts for their loved ones members at the Christmas Fair. A big thank you to the LPA for making this possible.

As per tradition, the Christmas Tree assembly saw the School’s youngest and oldest boy place an ornament on the tree.

Thursday’s candlelit Carol Service at Guildford Cathedral was a lovely way to end this term. The wonderful sound of the boys singing filled the Cathedral and it was a great opportunity for reflection, and to remember the story behind Christmas.

The final day of term was packed with festive fun! Students enjoyed sporting their Christmas Jumpers, having Christmas lunches, and Form parties. The final assembly was filled with commendations, the appointment of a new Head Boy and an opportunity to hear some of the Nativity songs one more time.