Inspired by the works of Katie Mitchell, the A Level devised drama performance, based on the Antigone story, proved to be a hyper-realistic feast for the senses. Creative use of multi-media, dramatic live feed, and atmospheric, moody sound and lighting all contributed to a fully immersive experience for the appreciative audience. The imaginative staging was really effective in channelling the focus on the actors’ facial expressions and close-up emotions. As much cinematic as dramatic, the production had the feel of a film shoot running simultaneously with the finished film as the action on stage was projected live on the huge back wall ‘screen’. This was particularly effective throughout, but none more so than the final scenes where the kaleidoscope nature of the projection brought home the multi-faceted pain and anguish of Creon. Researched to include biographical elements of Haemon’s story, this original script was notably successful in maintaining the clarity of the plot and providing sufficient character development, while also presenting the intensity of emotion. The script succeeded in conveying the themes which dominate the original myth: the tension between civic law and family loyalty, fate and free will, pride and arrogance, as well as challenging the role of women. Gabriel Meadowcroft produced a powerful performance packed with raw emotion, perfectly capturing the brooding anger and resentment of Haemon; George Hewitt showed the range of his repertoire from booming voice of conscience, to game-show host style, to destitute hero as he depicted the complex character of Creon. With haunting lighting and imagery, the production proved to be an emotional roller coaster that left the audience, quite literally, on the edge of their seats.
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