RGS Guildford courtyard with students

Category: Student Reflections

Reflection: Collaboration

John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison.  These are the four men who make up what is arguably the greatest band of all time, The Beatles.  But behind our…

Reflection: Courage

One of our School Values is courage, but what is courage?  Courage is defined as the ability to do something that frightens one or as bravery but I believe courage…

Reflection: Empathy

When trying to define the word empathy, people tend to use the phrase “put yourself in someone else’s shoes.”  However, I think that this phrase doesn’t fully capture the essence…

Reflection: Mutual Respect

Mutual respect is more than just politeness; it’s the recognition that every person deserves to be treated with dignity, regardless of their background, culture, or beliefs.  It’s about seeing the…

Reflection: Self-Respect

In the age of social media, we are bombarded with images and stories of people who live seemingly perfect lives.  No-one posts about the miserable day they just had.  It…

Reflection: Honesty

Honesty is the cornerstone of character.  The honest man or woman seeks not merely to avoid criminal or illegal acts, but to be scrupulously fair, upright, fearless in both action…


I want to reflect on what has been an extraordinary summer.   The General Election in July brought a new Government, a new Prime Minister and a new start for the…