pupils playing with dinasours


The happiness and welfare of our pupils lie at the heart of every decision and action at RGS Prep. We customise our wellbeing programme to suit the needs of our youngest learners.

The school has effective and frequently reviewed systems and measures in place for promoting pupils’ well-being, including their mental health.

ISI Report 2022
student emotional check in


In Nursery and Reception, students engage in an emotional check-in with their teachers at the beginning of each day, expressing their feelings through discussions related to the story of the Colour Monster and identifying when they feel the same. This provides a quick, non-verbal communication method for pupils and helps our staff identify those who may need some extra support.

students drinking juice

Our Buddy System

The buddy system pairs younger students with boys in Key Stage 1, promoting positive role modelling, empathy, and friendships across Year Groups.

students working

Physical Education & Outdoor Learning

Recognising the importance of physical activity in promoting positive mental wellbeing, our Early Years pupils have a lesson with specialist games staff each week using the facilities in the Prep school,  and sessions on the astro at Pre-Prep. Beyond sports, pupils enjoy Boyzone, an outdoor space for exploration and learning about nature through hands-on activities.

students in class

Wellbeing Events

We host a Wellbeing Week in support of Children’s Mental Health, featuring activities such as mindfulness crafts, silent discos, and joke-telling. Our annual Hygge Day, celebrating the Danish concept of creating a warm atmosphere, invites boys to wear cosy clothes and bring their soft toys.

student with a teacher

PSED & Additional Support

Our PSED curriculum helps our pupils to recognise their feelings and others, understand behaviour and build relationships. The curriculum also equips the boys with knowledge on staying safe and provides guidance on who to approach if they encounter any issues. For those needing additional support, we offer drawing and talking therapy, targeted assistance, and the expertise of an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA).


Mr Freeman-Day, the Head of RGS Prep, serves as our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), supported by several Deputy DSLs, including Mr Moore (Deputy Head), Mrs Petersen (EYFS Coordinator), and Mrs Self (Head of Wellbeing).