Our week-long celebration of the written and spoken word was packed full of exciting opportunities for the boys to develop their life-long love of learning, and reading.
We welcomed author and playwright, Ian Billings, to the school where he spoke with Pre-Prep first, and then returned to speak to Prep. Ian talked to the boys about the way in which he gets ideas and how he plans and writes stories. He captivated the boys with his passionate and interactive approach and inspired them to get creative, planning and writing their own stories.
We enjoyed reading sessions in the library, and our book fair provided the boys with the opportunity to discover new genres and titles and to buy books from a local independent book shop
An absolutely amazing array of characters and books came to school for World Book Day from Harry Potter to Mr Bump; Miss Trunchbull to the Gruffalo; pupils and staff alike dressed up as their favourite characters for the day. Even Winston, our therapy dog, joined in!
A truly impressive set of performances from the boys Speak Out Final. Across the year groups boys recited poems from memory, performed scenes from Shakespeare’s The Tempest, spoke of inspiring figures and read stories to an enthralled audience. The judges had a hard time selecting winners.