A group of 56 talented musicians spanning the Fourth Form up to the Upper Sixth embarked on a remarkable Tour to Lake Garda, Italy, under the joint banner of GHS and RGS Big Band and Swing Band, led by Lorraine Wild. This unforgettable Tour was a harmonious blend of musical excellence and the breathtaking beauty of the Lake Garda region. Over the course of 6 days, every evening we performed in a different venue, and explored the captivating surrounding of the lake, leaving the students with unforgettable memories of their very first Big Band Tour with the School.
Throughout the tour, we had the privilege of showcasing our musical prowess in various venues, treating our audiences to nightly performances filled with unforgettable melodies.
One of the tour’s highlights was our participation in the Cremona Summer Music Festival. This provided us with a unique opportunity to perform in one of the most historic towns of Lombardy. The picturesque setting of Lake Garda, with rocky cliffs towering behind the waterfront, added a touch of magic to our performances. Even the sweltering heat couldn’t dampen our spirits as we played amidst the stunning natural backdrop.
After our incredible journey through Lake Garda’s picturesque landscapes and cultural treasures, we all came together once more on Wednesday 13 September, for our highly anticipated Reunion Concert.
The Latin rhythms of Mambo No. 5 and the soulful melodies of Stevie Wonder resonated with the audience, bringing back the joy of our time in Italy. As the night progressed, we saved our signature number, Rock ‘n’ Roll Hall of Fame for last. This electrifying performance was a fitting conclusion to our tour. It was a moment of pure musical joy, a testament to the camaraderie and talent that defines our joint GHS & RGS Big Band.