On Thursday night, it was RGS Guildford’s turn to host the termly Feminism and Equity seminar in conjunction with GHS and Tormead. The panel was made up of two students from each school (Haris and Gabriel from the RGS; Dhuwaraka and Ammi from GHS; Marina and Anastazia from Tormead).
The seminar was very well attended, demonstrating the commitment that each school has to collaborate with each other. The students did not shy away from controversial topics and asked attendees to debate questions including: ‘do we live in a male-centric country?’ ‘do single sex schools foster a culture of misogyny?’ and ‘pornography: sexual liberation or objectification of women?’
The panel chaired the discussion with aplomb, ensuring that the attendees had a chance to discuss each question amongst themselves and then allowing the students to share thoughts and ideas. Attendees were both respectful towards each other and articulate. The seminar finished with some brilliant ideas for how to engage younger students (particularly boys) in these discussions and, perhaps most importantly, ideas for how the RGS can show allyship and support for the girls. The girls asked the boys to challenge discriminative language and actions in others, as well as their own prejudiced thoughts. The students were unanimous in their request for more opportunities for younger students to socialise with each other in a platonic way. It was a fantastic event, and all participants can be extremely proud of the way that that they discussed these issues and listened to each other.