RGS Guildford courtyard with students
Miss H Dixon

Miss H Dixon

Marketing & Communications
Miss H Dixon
Marketing & Communications

What’s the best thing about the RGS? It’s a privilege to work in a school with 500 years of history but the real foundations of the RGS lie with the people. Great colleagues. Great students. Great ethics.

What’s your life philosophy/motto in life? It’s your ship so set your own compass points.

If you were allowed one dream perk, what would it be? Double glazing in the Old Building.

What luxury would you have on a desert island? Bear Grylls because I bet he can start a fire.

What’s your most interesting/unusual hobby? I’m part of an Improv Comedy group and we’re very funny, even though our last performance was to an audience of just 3 incredibly supportive pensioners. Turned out everyone else was watching England in the Euros semi-final. Timing is everything.

Do you have any phobias? Spiders. I used to regularly email pictures of spiders I found in the house and garden to a particularly patient and understanding spider expert I found online. He said they were all harmless garden spiders. Then I was bitten by a spider and hospitalised with sepsis.

What would your autobiography be entitled? It would be funny if it wasn’t true…see above.

Which actor/actress would you get to play you in a film of your life Sophie Thompson…when I lived in Japan, I was often asked if I knew any famous people. After saying no for ages, I thought it would be fun to say yes. So I said I was Emma Thompson’s sister. After pretending to be Sophie for 4 months I owe it to her to pretend to be me.