Mr CD Barnett, MA (Vice Chairman)
Mr CD Barnett, MA (Vice Chairman)
Clive Barnett was one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools from 2002 to 2009. Before that he taught for 31 years in four independent and maintained grammar schools, becoming the headmaster of Bishop Wordsworth’s School, Salisbury, in 1992 and holding the post for 10 years.
From 2007-17, Clive was a lay canon and a member of the chapter of Salisbury Cathedral; he is now a canon emeritus of the Cathedral. He was also a governor of Salisbury Cathedral School. He is a patron and trustee of EdUKaid, an educational charity working in Tanzania, and a churchwarden at his local church.
Since retiring as an HMI, Clive has worked as an educational consultant specialising in initial teacher training and professional development.