RGS Guildford courtyard with students
Mrs K Poon

Mrs K Poon

SEN Teaching Assistant
Mrs K Poon
SEN Teaching Assistant

What’s the best thing about the RGS? Simply the people and of course the lunches!

What’s your life philosophy/motto in life? ‘It is what it is’, I wish I could be more philosophical but it’s a motto I find myself saying a lot.

What would your autobiography be entitled? ‘A blender without a lid’.

What animal most reflects your personality? Probably a Spaniel, loyal, friendly and a bit lively.

What luxury would you have on a desert island? A good book or a snorkel, can I have two!?

Which actor/actress would you get to play you in a film of your life? Julia Roberts.

What is your favourite ice-cream flavour? Has to be Cherry.

If you could choose one superhuman ability what would it be? Flying so I could explore the world for free.