Welcome to Sixth Form


We passionately believe that the Sixth Form experience should be the most interesting, enriching and fulfilling years of students’ school life.

With a focus on those subjects about which they feel most passionate, with the chance to take the lead in many areas of school life, with the richness of opportunity, and with the support and friendship of a close-knit community, each individual has the environment in which to flourish.


As the scaffolding and support mechanisms are gently removed, our Sixth form marks a transitional phase between school and university, and the students’ future careers.  With the subject specialism of smaller classes and seminar-style teaching, and with an eye firmly focused on the world beyond our gates, we equip our students with the skills which they will need in the future: critical and creative thinking, negotiation and problem-solving, collaboration and teamwork.  Business and enterprise initiatives and leadership opportunities abound as we encourage the students to take increasing control and responsibility, many of which involve interaction with local girls’ schools.

Learning for Life

Our approach is underpinned by a deep commitment to providing our students with foundations for the future, preparing them not only for university but for life.

Our leavers, almost without exception, go on to study at the very best institutions in higher education: Cambridge, Oxford, other leading Russell Group universities, Ivy League as well as the top medical schools.  Comprehensive, individually tailored advice supports them through each stage of the university application process, to allow them to make informed, objective choices about their futures.  Equally, support is provided for those who wish to pursue direct entry to employment or to follow the degree apprenticeship pathway.


RGS students are attractive to top universities.  Besides being renowned for achieving strong results, they have a reputation for personal integrity, maturity and independence, flexibility and curiosity, and a genuine pride in every aspect of their performance.  Our students leave the RGS with appropriate self-confidence, self-discipline and a deep sense of personal and social responsibility: ready to make a profound impact upon the world, whatever it may look like.