RGS Guildford courtyard with students

Category: Student Reflections

Reflection: Competition

Competition is an integral part of life.  In the natural world, plants and animals compete for resources, and it is competition which gives a lion its strength and a gazelle…

Reflection: Teamwork

The theme for this week is teamwork: something we rely on so often but frequently fail to recognise and appreciate.  It’s important that we reflect on team work and really…

Reflection: Mentoring

“Do or do not.  There is no try.”  A quote from Yoda, a character in the 1980’s Star Wars film, Empire Strikes Back.  Where Yoda shows great wisdom to teach Luke…

Reflection: Volunteering

Volunteering is a word whose meaning is well understood by modern-day culture; however, I believe that the attitude with which it is expected to be done is far less grounded….

Reflection: Mental Health

I’m sorry to start on a low, but let me begin with some statistics that I found while researching Mental Health Awareness Week.  Every year, 1 in 4 people suffer from a…

Reflection: Respect

“Respect was invented to cover the empty place where love should be” is a quotation from Leo Tolstoy’s novel Anna Karenina and remains central to my understanding of the concept…

Reflection: Aspiration

At the most basic level, aspiration can be summarised as the desire to achieve a goal; however, to me, it is a far more complex idea.  Aspiration to me represents…

Reflection: Kindness

At its most basic level, kindness is making a sacrifice to make someone else’s life better.  The sacrifice may be as small as giving away your last cookie or as…