RGS Guildford courtyard with students


Odyssey Review

From the opening scene depicting drunken suitors encamped at Odysseus’ palace in Ithaca playing football and singing Sweet Caroline, the tone was set for a high-energy, fast-paced, creative performance of…

Science Week

Science Week commenced on Monday 13 March and you could feel the excitement in the air. Pupils from all year groups got to experience a wide range of activities and talks….

MFL Events

MFL Topic Evening On Thursday 16 March, 80 Fifth Form French, German and Spanish students took part in a MFL topic evening to develop their confidence and fluency prior to…

GLive Concert

Looking out over a packed auditorium at GLive it was astonishing to think that almost exactly three years ago to the day we had been forced to cancel the RGS/GHS…

Chris Murray (OG’17) Visit

Chris Murray (OG’17) and Gold Medalist Weightlifter in the 81kg weight class at the 2022 Commonwealth Games returned to the RGS last week to give an inspiring assembly with Ian…

UK Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO)

The UK Linguistics Olympiad (UKLO) national competition took place the week before half-term and everyone was welcome to attend any lunchtime throughout the week. The linguistics problem-solving skills you will…