RGS Guildford courtyard with students


Lower Sixth Biology Fieldtrip

31 Lower Sixth biologists ventured to the Pembrokeshire coastline for their A Level ecology practical. From Friday to Sunday, the weather was perfect for outdoor learning and exploring rockpools to…

Reflection: Mentoring

“Do or do not.  There is no try.”  A quote from Yoda, a character in the 1980’s Star Wars film, Empire Strikes Back.  Where Yoda shows great wisdom to teach Luke…

Senior Prefects

The Headmaster is delighted to announce the Senior Prefect appointments for 2024/25.  School Captain is Charlie Everitt and he is supported by the two Deputy School Captains, Thomas Bull (who is also House Captain…

Reflection: Innovation

When we think of innovation, we often think of grand milestones, such as the first mass production of a car, or the people behind those milestones, like Henry Ford; however,…

Reflection: Volunteering

Volunteering is a word whose meaning is well understood by modern-day culture; however, I believe that the attitude with which it is expected to be done is far less grounded….