RGS Guildford courtyard with students


Les Miserables Review

Les Incroyables To stage a school production of the iconic Les Misérables is daunting, to do this in a historic Tudor room and solely in French, with a number of…

Reflection: Tolerance

Tolerance means accepting differences in people: their opinions, beliefs, practices, racial or ethnic origins, and so on.  It’s a fair attitude towards those who are different from us, and it…

Half-Term Trips

The Easter holidays were jam-packed with trips both abroad and within the UK, across many subject departments. Fourth Form students visited the newly built Soho Place Theatre in London for…

Music Events

It has been a busy half term for our music staff and pupils. We held preliminary rounds for House Music in the form of Competition Concerts for Wind, Brass, Strings,…

Senior Prefect Appointments

The Headmaster is delighted to announce the Senior Prefect appointments for 2023/24. School Captain is Stuart Brown and he is supported by the two Deputy School Captains, Alex Jackson (who…

Year 1 Wow Day

After learning about the Arctic and Antarctica, Year 1 had our Polar Regions Wow Day where we explored all the wonderful things these cold places have to offer. We started…

British Science Week

10 March marked the start of British Science Week. We celebrated  with a wide range of activities across all disciplines for students of all ages. Prior to the start, students…

Scholarship Conference

The 2023 RGS Scholarship Conference took place on Monday 20 March. The theme for this year’s event was Revolution. We were delighted to secure five speakers from a range of…