RGS Guildford courtyard with students


A Voyage Round My Father

OG Jack Bardoe is currently starring alongside BAFTA and Golden Globe nominee Rupert Everett in John Mortimer’s  celebrated autobiographical play A Voyage Round My Father which is touring regional theatres. Growing…

English Trip: The Empress

Last Thursday, the English department took the Fifth Form to see The Empress, a new play by Tanika Gupta. Students are studying the play for their GCSE English Literature exam…

Reflection: Reflection

In the academic environment we find ourselves in, the word reflection often carriers a somewhat negative connotation.  The word frequently surfaces in the aftermath of disappointing tests, unsuccessful sports fixtures…

Languages Week

Languages Week was full of vibrant and diverse celebrations, from culinary competitions and choir performances to Oktoberfest festivities and language-themed quizzes. On Tuesday, our Sixth Form Linguists went to St….

Writing after Windrush

On 3 October, A Level English Literature students from RGS Guildford and Tormead watched the live streaming of a lecture from Gresham College. “Writing after Windrush” was delivered by Dr…